B. inggris


Buat dialog ttg expression opening conversation, extanding conversation, showing attention, expression of agreement, dissagreement

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  • Opening conv : a : hy good day, i never see you before,
    B: ah ya, i'm new student, by the way, my name is rani, and you?
    A: ahh rani, nice name. My name is fahmi. Maybe we can be bestfriend
    B: i hope we will

    Showing attention :
    A: hey fahmi, you look so sad, what happened?
    B: huhuhu, my knee is hurted, someone bumped me
    A : oh my God, you must get a medicine, come on i will help you
    B: thank you

    A: what do you think if i say that i wanna be an english teacher
    B: wow it's nice, i always support you
    A: thank you

    A: i Don't agree with his opinion
    B: what's wrong?
    A: he always feel that he is the most right person
    B: take it easy

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